Husband work in an interior design company, he asked me to go to their office today, because today is a special day, the company awarded him with best interior design singapore, as recently they company all staff to take part in a design competition, as a result, he stand out, I am very happy with him to the company, because I also want to see the best interior design singapore in Singapore what is it, I sat in the audience seriously looking at their ceremony, looked at my husband happy, I also follow happy together, the other people all to the husband to the eyes of envy, but only I know, the husband is very hard, go home in his reading late into the night every day.
日本 飯店
今天是我的一個好朋友的生日,我和我的朋友還有她的其她朋友我們一起去了日本 飯店,到了那裏人還是很多呢,那裏面非常的大,可以容納好多的人呢,裏面裝修的也是非常的不錯的呢,我早就聽別人說那裏面的飯菜非常的好吃呢,我也很想去那裏面吃飯呢。今天我的好朋友帶我去了日本 飯店,真的太開心了,在那裏我也認識很多的朋友,大家在一起也是非常的開心呢,我們大家都說日本 飯店的飯菜非常的好吃呢,真的太好吃了,這個日本 飯店的風格也是非常不錯的呢。
graphic design singapore
For high school students said he is now studying graphic design Singapore, learned a few months it was quite good, I asked how she suddenly thought of studying graphic design Singapore this, she said she was watching video just once to see this so he points in to look at the, after watching the feel is very good, very attract her, later he searched on the Internet about the graphic design market, Singapore this prospect, look at the feeling is good, many people now also are learning professional design class, so she also want to try, learn to look after the work out should be can also be used to, learn of that now, really can also, interest is well liked, so I go to school.
business process outsourcing
Work today, for my good friend on the phone, about my friend go to a restaurant to go to, when you get there the food is not good yet, we can talk about two days, my good friend said she recently doing business process WBS, the business process WBS is also very good project, our company has done this before business process WBS, the business process outsourcing. The WBS is also very popular, chat with my friend for a while, the food came up, the two of us to eat together, after the two of us together and talk about the business process WBS, the business process WBS is very good, I also feel very good. These days they have been doing business process WBS, I said is very good.
office renovation
從來都沒有想到有一天我也就還是能夠看到這個office renovation的設計呢,就真的是感覺到是太厲害了,我記得小時候爸爸就是在做一些設計的時候,我也就還真的是感覺到原來會設計東西就真的是特別的棒的,就一直都是特別的希望學到這個office renovation的,所以我也就還是學了設計的,結果沒有想到這次就真的是看到了別人做的這個office renovation呢,感覺真的是太厲害了,我也還真的是有太多需要還在學習的地方的,我一定會是特別的努力的,相信以后我也還是會做出好的。