

CA Human Resource

我真的是不知道要怎麼樣來感謝朋友了,他真的是幫助我的太多了,千言萬語也表達不了我對他的感謝啊。就在前幾天,我找工作的時候,朋友說是他們公司裡面CA Human Resource部門在招人,而我呢也剛好是學習的關於CA Human Resource的專業,他就說是可以把我內招到他們公司裡面去的,讓我可以去CA Human Resource 部門工作,當時聽到這話的時候,我真的是高興的不行,而且他就是這樣去做了,現在可以說是我到了公司之後,他一直很照顧我的,所以我真的是很感謝他,感謝他給我找了一份這麼好的工作。

interior designer in singapore

Finally someone recommended me a interior designer in of Singapore company, I think it this time I rest at home, so I want to give the home a good decoration, but have not found the right company, this is listening to a friend said to me this interior designer in Singapore is particularly good, before their home decoration is the original or the interior designer in Singapore to get it, I was surprised, because the interior designer in Singapore company to make the design also is really good, I especially love the so this time, I also decided to use the interior designer in Singapore, did not think the final result is really good.



outdoor router

Always want to buy a outdoor router, but this time I did not think this outdoor router is very good, I also really did not think of this, I really feel this outdoor router is especially good, before I have been feeling with this outdoor router is what will the Internet make us work much faster in peacetime, this time I really very happy, feel the outdoor router also is really worth buying, recently really is the outdoor router my good friend gave me a recommendation. I also bought the outdoor router outdoor router, this feeling is particularly good, is very good, very good.







CCTV Condo

This is our area of the monitoring equipment CCTV Condo, not in my district to our advertising or something, since we put all the cell monitoring equipment into the CCTV Condo of our community policing have grown a lot, even now I don’t go home for half a month will not feel the house safe, because of work reasons before I travel abroad, every time after the first time will be back to his small apartment to see, but now I don’t have to worry about what, every time I’m back always go to their parents at home to see inside the night will return to their small apartment, because the CCTV Condo is no longer like the thief on our side of the crime.