

シンガポール コンドミニアム

隣近所の李叔家内にある人の子供と私のように、私たちの子供のころの関係は悪くない、卒業後彼の家には親戚がある彼を受けシンガポール仕事に行って、数日前に私達はネット上でチャットして、私は彼に今あちらではどうなの、まだ帰国するつもり発展か、彼はまだ知らないですね、今彼はあちらで発展の悪くない、また形とシンガポール コンドミニアム(純平とドミニコニコアイ?マンションを買いました、会社の社員に対して家を買うにも補助、そして彼が行ったこの数年はずっと仕事を探す彼らの会社にはすでに風潮はベテランは、今も彼にはもう慣れましたシンガポールの生活リズム。


很早的時候我聽說過私人貸款,那會我也只是聽說了一點關于私人貸款而已,具體來說我也不太清楚,因爲我公司成立這麽多年來,我也從來都沒有和私人貸款打過交道的。所以有人要是問我私人貸款的問題的等方面,我還不懂的,不過這幾天我還對私人貸款有了一點點的認識,因爲我朋友他們公司前段時間因爲貨款 一時沒下來就是找私人貸款了,前兩天我們兩個還聊了一下,他給我還介紹了一下私人貸款,說是私人貸款不是很方便的,要是有什麽事急用錢的話,還是私人貸款方便一些。


Recently wanted to buy a house, the new house decoration more trouble, so want to buy second-hand housing, but the second-hand housing procedures are very complicated, so to find a good intermediary. A friend told me that the Sumitomo property is very good, is the international big enterprise. Buy a house through the Sumitomo word is very comfortable, very convenient. I went to Sumitomo to consult, really feeling here is very normal, the service is in place. They help me to introduce a suitable house, better than I found on the Internet to housing. It appears that Sumitomo is really very good, I decided to see a house in here to buy down, can not rent.

property investment

Brother is doing property investment, brother also often go outside, the last time my brother to the field will bring me, brother took me a lot of fun, I grew up brother to my best friend, today came to my house to play, see my home the honor certificate “my brother is now doing what works, and I will tell my friends my brother is doing property investment, friends heard my brother told me do property investment said my brother very well, I will tell a friend my brother always is my study example, brother of my best friends, then asked my brother not married, I told a friend of my brother has a girlfriend, but still not married.



Taps Singapore

Listen to my friends said that the decoration of the house, must not put the small details to ignore, or behind the move will have a lot of trouble things waiting, a friend said to be their home when he didn’t pay attention to decoration tap tap, now often bad, he changed several times then, last time a colleague asked him to change Taps Singapore, he went after buying the Taps Singapore change not seen what the problem is, he suggested that the decoration of the house is to choose Taps Singapore from Taps Singapore, good quality, security, and there are a lot of function type water tap. You see, the type we want to tap.


这次我打算去台北玩同生呢,玩之前 呢,我打算把时间什么的都规划一下,等去了之前也就不那么的没头绪了,现在所有的东西都已经准备的差不多了,就差我还没有订酒店了,可是我自己也不知道在台北的话什么酒店能好一点呢,然后我就问我朋友,朋友给我说是让我去看看台北五星酒店推荐,我怎么没想到这个问题啊,网上台北五星酒店推荐不是挺多的嘛,那我一会就去网上查查好了,顺便订下来就好了,



